Beginners guide to Mountain Climbing

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Mountain climbing is an exciting idea, but it takes a lot of planning to bring it to life. When you plan properly, the challenging won’t be intimidating because you’ll be prepared with everything you need.

At the top of the mountain, awaits a rewarding view that is worth all the climbing and sweating. If it’s your first time planning for maintain climbing adventure, make sure that you have experts in your time. There is nothing as scaring as getting stuck in the middle of nowhere without a phone signal.

When you go with someone who’s climbed before, you’ll have an easier time overcoming challenges on the way.

As a college student, make sure you don’t leave your thesis unattended as you go on this adventure. Find a trusted dissertation team you can trust to delegate the work to. This way, you won’t fall back on your projects.

How do you prepare before embarking on a mountain climbing adventure? Let’s find out.

1. Jog or do Cardio before you Climb

Climbing a mountain require a lot of body strength and this can only be gathered if you prepare beforehand. An excellent way of doing this is jogging and doing cardio exercise before the D-day.

Exercising before the actual day helps your body get used to physical strain. You require the stamina to keep going even when your body is tired. Mountain climbing is challenging and that also means your mind needs to be in it.

Exercise is an excellent way of conditioning your mind and body so you don’t shock your body the day you climb. The week before the D-day, jog to get your feet used to constant motion.

2. Read about the Mountain you’re going to Climb

This is very important because you don’t want to walk into unfamiliar territory. Read as much as you can about the mountain you’re going to climb. Go as far as joining forums where mountain climbers socialize. You’ll learn a lot from other people’s experiences. Feel free to ask as many questions as possible and get first-hand information from people who have explored that mountain before.

Even though mountain climbing is meant to be a challenge, you should not go out of your way to make it an impossible mission. Gong in uninformed is unwise because you might encounter challenges you don’t have the capacity to overcome.

3. Waterproof your things whether Rain or Shine

As you know, the higher you go, the cooler it becomes. This means that whether you climb a mountain on a sunny or cloudy day, it’s bound to get really cold. That is why you need to waterproof everything you’re going with.

You need to wear waterproof clothing so that the cold doesn’t get to you in such high altitudes. You’re bound to run into several paddles that you’ll need to cross. With the right shoes, you can keep your feet dry throughout the climb.

4. Bring around Two Liters of Water

The last thing you want is to be dehydrated at the top of the mountain. Everyone on your team should have at least two liters of water to keep them hydrated throughout the climb. As you know, dehydration results in headache, fatigue and even confusion.

Before you leave, make sure everyone has a bottle of water to avoid chaos down the road. It’s not easy to find a fresh source of water on mountains.

5. Bring Snacks High in Carbs and Protein

When you exercise your body, you need carbohydrates to keep your energy levels up. As you know, mountain climbing is a serious body exercise. You need all the energy you can get to keep your feet moving.

Carry with you snacks rich in carbs so that you can keep recharging until you get to the top of the mountain. When you climb a mountain, you burn a lot of fats and carbs. If you run out of energy, it will be impossible for you to finish your journey.

6. Stretch before the Climb

Even though you’ve been working out a week before the climb, make sure you stretch before you start moving up the mountain. This is an excellent way of warming up your muscles before you begin this challenge.

7. Bring first Aid Kit

Make sure you carry basic medicine with you because anyone can easily get injured when climbing a mountain. Get band aids, betadine, cotton and anything else you think you’ll need. Never forget to carry a first aid kit when you go mountain climbing.

8. Keep your Trash with you

Finally, you need to be environment friendly. Keep your trash with you and throw it once you get off the mountain. Be respectful of the mountain because other people would like to enjoy the view after you.


Mountain climbing is a pleasant challenge. Make sure you prepare expensively for the adventure so you enjoy to the fullest. Don’t forget to warm up your body before the climb, and to carry a first aid kit in case of anything.